Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day Five

I guess Day Four was uneventful since I didn't write anything about it, just pretty much the same ole same ole. I felt a little tired and sluggish but other than that ok.

Well this is the day you wait for, getting the 4 day chemo bag unhooked from your line. You walk away from the infusion center thinking you have left something behind, you kinda have. It is a good thing to leave behind though, you feel free for a change, not having to carry the bag with you. I had blood work done, a blood thinner shot in the stomach and took my pills. Clay and I headed back to the apartment, Kara and Andrew got there pretty soon and Clay headed home. They hadn't been here very long when I got a call to say I was low on potassium and I needed to come back into the infusion room. They hooked me up to my baby bottle that will be run in my line for five hours, (Andrew will unhook it about 11 tonight) and we headed back to the apartment. I thought I would be free one night anyway, not to be hooked up to anything but that didn't happen. Oh well!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Think positively, its just a baby bottle! Not a heavy bag! I am glad Andrew is there and has done the unhooking before. Kara will see first hand what kind of things could pot up. I haven't had to do anything like that yet, maybe I won't. I hope you have a good night rest! Love you, Sis
