Thursday, September 3, 2009

Small Set Back

You know it is a shame to feel good but have other issues. I have been dealing with these blood clots for over a week now and it is getting old. Like I said, I really feel pretty good after my last treatment but I have to deal with the blood clots. Maybe if I had blood clots that weren't painful it would be different, they have been so painful to walk or move around at all. On Tuesday I was setting outside, a little before noon I stood up and noticed that the pain had traveled from my upper thigh to my groin area, I thought this is not good. I thought I would see how the day went and call the doctor on Wednesday if the pain was still there. So it was and I did, I called the dr. office and of course they wanted to see me at 3.
After all the treatments this last time I kinda wanted to do something for myself, two things I thought of: 1) a much needed pedicure 2) a massage.
Well Wednesday morning I had made an appointment for a pedicure, my sister in law Darcy came to pick me up and took me to do just that. I was glad to get this done.
As far as the massage, I had made an appointment for Thursday but I had to cancel it. My nurse at Little Rock, my APN at Highland and the Ultra Sound Tech all said NO! Due to the blood clots they didn't think it would be a good idea to stir things up, it makes sense but I was really disappointed. There is always next time.
Candes came to pick me up for my appointment, since the clot had moved Dr. Travis didn't feel good about it and sent me for another Venus Doppler Ultrasound. We headed over to do this, Clay met us there and Candes headed out. They had us to wait there so the Radiologist could read the report and call my doctor. They feel like there is a deep clot trying to form behind my knee, due to the blood being so thick. I am on blood thinner shots but they may have to do something else to help thin the blood. I am suppose to hear from the doctor this morning to see what he wants to do. Well, I had just finished writing this when HOG called, they said I did have a deep clot forming so they wanted to put me on Coumadin, this is another blood thinner. I will take this in pill form in addition to the shots I am already taking. Hopefully this will take care of the clot and we can just move on. I am due to be back in Little Rock at 8 am Tuesday, I was suppose to have all my tests ran next week along with a bone marrow biopsy. With me being on all this bone thinner I will not be able to have the biopsy done at this time. This really disappoints me, not really I will glady skip the biopsy this time, I can have all my other testing done except the biopsy. Dr. Rosenfeld said I could be on my leg as tolerated, but when I am setting down have it up as much as possible. When I go back to Little Rock they will follow the treatment that Highland Oncology has put me on. I really had a lot of plans this week, or at least to get out and do some things but that hasn't happened, the weather has been so nice while I have been home I have spent a lot of time on our back porch. We can only hope for better days to come, I look forward to when the pain in my leg is gone.

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