Monday, February 7, 2011

Back To Snow Part II

Well I made it in for treatment on Friday, even though they said we wouldn't get much snow. Clay came out to get me to take me to HOG, I was there a little over two hours then Jeremy came by to pick me up to bring me back home. This was the first time I had been out of the house since last Saturday, partly due to the weather but mostly due to this crud that I have had. My WBC this week was critically low, it was down to 1.3, it hasn't been that low in a long, long time. You just have to be really careful being around other people, right now there are so many bugs out there and this makes me very susceptible to pick up something. Since I have already had the crud I don't need to add another bug to it. I didn't get my chemo delivery before I left home so I was afraid I would miss it, Clay tracked it again to find out that beyond UPS control it would not be delivered until Monday. So ok this was just great, after all the waiting, watching for and wondering, it was not coming. So hopefully it will come today and this nightmare will be over for another month anyway. If we get the next snow storm they are talking about I may have an issue with my treatment again this week. It makes it hard for them to get everyone in when they have either closed for a day or open up at 10 instead of 8 for a couple of days, it throws everyone behind.

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