Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Long Time No Post

There's one thing about doing a blog, there is never a guarantee that you won't loose what you have typed, that's how I will start this blog. While Kara was here with me a few days ago I did a pretty long post about my time down here this time, I do it all the time so I know to save it a few times along the way but somehow it disappeared, there were two sentences only on the post. Needless to say I was very upset, just to have to go back and try to remember at least part of the information you had written about. Oh well, that's the way it goes, I will try again to cover most of what has been going on, so bare with me.

Tuesday, March 23rd Candes and I headed toward Little Rock at 7am, I had tests scheduled for most of the day. First stop was picking up my schedule/packet then on to have blood work, I met with a couple of nurses to talk about progress and medications. Then it was on to the dreaded bone marrow biopsy, after that we sat outside on a bench for quite awhile waiting for time to go to the MRI, it was such a beautiful day. Little Rock is just a little ahead of NWA with the blooming of flowers and trees, so it was just nice to set and look at the flowers, all around UAMS they have the most gorgeous tulips and various flowers, so since I missed the early Spring blooms in Fayetteville I was able to enjoy the beauty here. On Wednesday all I had was another nurse appointment so after that we or I should say Candes (I wasn't able to do much of anything) finished unloading the car, unpacking, we made a Walmart run to get the food and supplies that we needed for a little while. Thursday I had an appointment with Dr. Barlogie to see what the plan was as far as moving forward and hear the results of my tests. All the testing came back free and clear, still in remission so we were ready to move forward with the last round of chemo. I was scheduled to have my port put in that afternoon, we went with another type of port this time, it is a port that is surgically placed under the skin. This port won't have to be taken out when I go back home, it actually can be left in 15-20 years if needed. It was kinda a painful undertaking but it's done, it was really sore for two or three days but it has gotten better now. Clay came down on Friday and Candes went back home, On Friday I was hooked up to the 4 day 24 hour a day chemo bag to carry with me everywhere I went. Things went pretty well with the bag, Clay and I had a good weekend, even though I carried the 12 pound bag around I was feeling ok. We went out to eat a couple of times while I was feeling ok. Kara came down on Sunday to stay a few days and Clay headed back home to get ready for his work week. After our trip to the infusion center we headed back to the apartment before going to get a bite to eat. Monday was pretty much the same, that night we stayed in and had chicken alfredo and some wonderful bread, this was sent by a dear friend Sharon. Thank you Sharon, it was great!!! On Tuesday Jeremy came down to take a shift and Kara went back home, I enjoyed the time we had together. Jeremy and I headed to the infusion center pretty soon after he got here, I at least got the bag off today, it always feels good to walk away without that weight on your shoulders. I was already low on potassium so I had to get an infuser baby bottle to wear home. We came back to the apartment and both took a nap, I guess neither one of us knew we were so tired. Later we ran into US Pizza for a bite to eat, I started feeling a little yucky while we were there so it really didn't taste good to me and I usually really like it. Jeremy enjoyed it, he had never been to US Pizza before. About 9pm he unhooked my bottle, so I was free for the night, I didn't sleep real good, I was hot then cold, I also had some crazy dreams in which I don't usually do. I have been taking the blood thinner shots for several days in the stomach. (always fun) Today I started with the growth factor shots, this will effect my white blood count, these shots are given in my arm and they sting like a bee and keep on stinging for quite a while. All my counts were ok so I didn't have to have anything today, they actually took the needle out of my lower port so I came out of there today with only a bandaid covering my port. I didn't mention that it was a double port so they will access my upper port tomorrow and use it for a week, they will just switch back and forth.
Please continue to pray that this last round would go as smooth as possible and I will not have alot of issues as I move forward to the end. Thank you for your love and support.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Birthday and about that time again

I am still trying to get my body and mind ready to head back to Little Rock for my last big chemo treatment. I felt like I was about over the crud that I have had, but I'm really not sure. I think once you get it you can't get rid of it, I have been a little stuffy, ears still feel like they might have fluid or infection and a little cough, not anything like the cough I had when this stuff first started.
Hopefully it will all pass soon.

Well I had a wonderful birthday, my mom, sister and I had lunch at Olive Garden. It was really good, we just had the soup, salad and bread sticks, that way you can eat as little or as much as you want. Since I am not eating a whole lot these days that works great. They had picked me up some new clothes since pretty much all the clothes I have no longer fit. We keep switching sizes as I keep losing weight. It is not a good way to loose weight believe me. I got a sweater jacket from my sister in law, clothes from my girls so I am fixed up for a while now. We had dinner here at home and all the kids were here except Andrew, he had to work that night. We enjoyed Jonah, he entertained all of us, we had petitfores for desert and Jonah sure enjoyed a petitfore, he enjoyed it so much that he had to take a bath before he went home. It was just a great day all the way around.
I need to think about getting packed and gathering up the things I need to take back to Little Rock, Candes and I will leave early Tuesday, March 23rd. I have a busy day on Tuesday and then not much going on Wednesday, I will see the doctor on Thursday. As far as packing, I pretty much just stay packed, the things I take down are sometimes extras so I just keep things boxed up and we move it back and forth. I won't know what to do when I get back and can unpack for good.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Feeling Better

I am finally beginning to feel better. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, it seems like when I am back home I am either sick, not feeling well or just loose interest in my blog. In my last post I mentioned the crud that I had, seems like each day something else started. It started with bronchitis then a sinus infection, bad cough and runny nose. I don't know how many boxes of Puffs I went through. Then the second week I developed an ear infection, they tried 3 different antibiotic then I lost my voice for probably 4 days. I think I am on the mends with it now, it is truly nasty stuff, I know alot of people have had it and once you get it you keep it for a while, it doesn't want to go away.

As far as getting over my last treatment, I think I am also getting there. I am still tired and weak but it is so much better than it was. Seems like there is always something that hits you after you get home, you feel pretty good the first 3 or 4 days you are home and then bam there are issues. I have this week and next week to be home and get stronger before I go back. I will go back on the 23rd, I will spend my birthday at home on the 16th, I will miss Easter at home, I will be in Little Rock (that stinks) I will miss Jonah's second Easter. This will be my last treatment in Little Rock, I will go back and forth for tests and check ups but the rest of my treatments I will do here at Highland Oncology. I will take a treatment once a month for three years, I so look forward to the end, we are so much closer now.