I have been really bad about posting lately, I think about it but just never get to it. I can't believe March is coming to an end already, summer will be here before we know it. Right now the weather seems like it is already here, even though we know better. You really don't know about the weather it could stay this way or we may have some cold days or even snow before summer actually gets here.
I had a wonderful birthday, when we get a certain age you really don't care about having birthdays anymore but as many health issues that I've had the last few years I'm more than happy to be a year older. We celebrated with the kids on Thursday night, the day before. Sometimes we work around Andrew's schedule, this also worked out for everyone else as well. Clay just ordered from Catfish Hole and brought it here, it was really good, I had been hungry for it for some time.
I have had alot of problems with my legs the last few weeks, they ran a Doppler looking for a blood clot March 8th, it came back negative. They fitted me for compression stockings to wear, having so much pain in my left leg it is so hard to stretch the stockings over that area of my leg. I wore them a week but the pain in my leg was so bad that it got to where I couldn't pull them over that area. March 15th (bd celebration night) I saw Dr. Rosenfeld & he wanted me to see a specialist about my veins. When all this was going on I started with a real deep cough, no other symptoms just a nuisance for me and anyone around me, it just got worse, seriously probably a good 3 weeks. Well Friday, March 23rd I started with a sore throat but it left me by mid morning so I blamed it on drainage. Saturday the same but worse & Sunday really sore & cough was alot worse & by afternoon I was loosing my voice & going downhill. Now here it is Monday, March 26th & I pretty much feel like I met up with a truck. I had an appointment to see the vein doctor to discuss a plan for my legs, with my MM of course I'm not a candidate for surgery (which I wasn't doing anyway) so the plan is wear the stockings, keep my legs up higher than my heart & up my aspirin intake again. So with all that said I have phlebitis in my left calf. Since I was going to be close to HOG I checked with them on the drive in to see what I should do, they wanted me to come in for bloodwork, a chest xray & to see the APN. The xray didn't show pneumonia but they said it would be by tomorrow, she heard alot of stuff going on in my back/lung area. My chest hurts so bad & I know my sides/ribs will be sore when this is all over. So now I'm on a strong antibiotic and cough syrup. Clay went to the couch last night, it was a very rough night, I think I coughed all night as well as most of the day today, hopefully the meds will start working & I will feel better real soon. The worse thing is I had a massage scheduled for tomorrow & had to reschedule it, things have to be really bad to do that. I probably won't even try to pick up Jonah on Wednesday from school, I know he will want to be outside & I just don't think I could keep up with him this week, I love my time with him.
Get out and enjoy this weather, the doctor also said the pool would be good, days like this you think about opening the pool but not quite yet.