Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Day After

We made it through last night ok, I had slept most of the afternoon so I didn't sleep quite as well last night as I did the night before. But I did get alot of rest. Clay fixed biscuits, gravy & bacon for breakfast this morning, he did good. We got ready and headed to 7-C to see what the plan was for today. As usual I had blood work, vitals taken and I had to be given a bag of fluid, my blood pressure was a little low. I am feeling pretty good, just real tired feeling like I need alot of rest. I have the hand shakes a little, they said that was due to the Dex. Steroids that I have been taking. I finished my last dose of the Dex this morning, so the shakes should ease off some. My counts seem to be alright today, it will be a few days before they really start dropping. This is when my counts they say will drop to zero, I am sure I will have a few rough days there, until my counts come back up to where they should be. During this down time I will probably have to get blood and platelets at some time or another. I do seem to feel okay tonight just a little yucky and I also get a bad case of the hiccups ever once in awhile that hurt your insides, I hope this passes.

Clay will head back home tomorrow afternoon, it has sure been good to have him here for several days, through the chemo and the transplant. Even though the worse may not hit me until next week, he got to be here for what we have worked for for several months. We have had a few good days together. Candes will come in sometime tomorrow, they have been on vacation this past week, but will come down to take her shift.


  1. Barbara, Glad things went well for your transplant.Will continue praying for peace, comfort,pain-free AND NO mouth sores!!! Thinking of you continually!!
    Love ya!

  2. Thank you for keeping us up to date on your progress. You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Love you!!
